Saturday, February 25, 2012

Performance oh Performance..

Last week aku gile down.. My departmental Internal Customer Satisfaction Index is soo damn low..way below target..though aku mmg expect tak kan meet target..but takde la aku expect serendah the HOD definately akulah yg paling terasa impactnya..

Internal Customer Satisfaction Index measure our internal customer punya satisfaction towards our service.. This is the first year company aku implement survey ni...all the HODs kena evaluate other department punya service..

Sebelum buat lagi me & my team dah expect kitorang punya score sure rendah.. Masa first tgk result tu aku terus down la..terus angkat beg & balik..mood terus terbang..basically through out last week memang mood aku zero la...tu blum citer mood budak2 aku kena pikir cara nak up kan balik spirit my staff..put aside mine la...biar la plastik skit..janji budak2 aku not affected by this result..

Last thursday aku dah confront boss aku..the BIG BOSS la..aku siap forward kat dia detail report..siap dgn comments yg di extract dr system.. Selamba je aku ckp kat boss that aku dah expect result dept aku akan teruk since we are the most unfavourable dept of all.. Dia siap ckp dia faham and me & my team are not to be penalised for that..

Basically thru the comments tu, mostly tak puas hati ngan company..bkn ngn servis department aku...tapi disebabkan kami ni executor..kami la yg kena tembak...DAMNNNNN!!!!!!!

Kekadang aku rasa HOD2 ni nama je belajar tinggi2..kerja bertahun2 tapi NOT that smart la...tak boleh nak differentiate between company's policy ngan service..isn't that STUPID???

Kekadang as manusia ni kita tak boleh lari dari being emotional...something being emo is very much easier than being rational...

As a new person in the company..aku realise that most HODs and otai in this company suka blame orang lain and tikam belakang orang...depan kita baik nak mampus..cakap lembut bukan main..belakang kita...wallahualam..

Boss suh aku & team should have more human touch..nak human touch camne lagi kalu org sah2 tak suka kan?? Sampai skang ni statement "human touch" dah jadi joke among us..we are going to start "touching people" after this...hahaha...

I'm going to have a brainstorming sesion with my people soon..nak kena pikir camne nak "touch people" nie... Hopefully we'll get a better result for 2012..still not too late to rectify the issue kan?? Hopefully...insya allah...

How I Wish...

Life is so damn busy... Trying so hard to fulfill what is expected out of you...but yet...still people will think that you are doing nothing...why???

It is easier said than done...kekadang how i wish those condeming people buat keje kita tu...blum tentu dia boleh buat...

Talking about "how i wish" la kan...kita ni sentiasa tak puas hati ngan life kita ni.. We always wish the opposite will happen to us kan...

Bila solo...kita wish kita ada couple..bila ada couple kita wish kita kawin..bila dah kawin..kita wish kita ada anak...bila ada anak & bila anak buat hal..kita wish kita still dlm honeymoon..bila spouse buat hal..kita wish kita

Moralnya manusia tak pernah puas hati... Orang keliling kita pun sama.. Suka expect something yg lebih dari kita... Bila tak kawin..tanya bila nak kawin..bila dah kawin..tanya bila nk dapat anak..dah dapat anak..tanya bila nak tambah anak..pastu tanya bila nak dapat menantu..pastu bila nak dapat cucu..nasib baik tak tanya bila nak mati...huhuhu..

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Balik kampung...

On the way back to KB.. Yeaayyy!!!

Macam lama gile tak balik KB.. Last balik 09/11/11..masa my sis tunang.. Baru 2 bulan tapi cam lama giler.. Really miss my mum.. Plus tak sabar nak jumpa my youngest sis yg baru preggy... Dia yg preggy, aku yg excited lebih... Aku dah siap plan nak bagi hadiah apa..over tak aku ni?? Hahaha

We are planning to stay kat kb sampai next monday.. 6 ari tu..mau badan naik mencanak2..apa taknya..pagi nasi..tgh ari nasi..mlm nasi.. :) sebagai langkah berjaga2..aku dh siap2 bwk blk sport shoes..kalu semangat kuat..insya least x rasa guilty sgt kan blasah nasik berlauk tu..hahaha..ayat nk sedapkan ati sendiri..

Ni budak2 dah lebur dlm keter..aman la depa bgn awai sbb excited...tunggu la depa bangun..harus la stress...

Td zafran siap tny, knp la jauh sgt KB ni...nak wat camne..ibu dia ni pun tak sabar nih...hahaha..