It's more than 2 months since i last updated my oooo my..
May & june was a very hectic month..with bonus & increment processing...soooo tiring..tapi end result memang best la...penat buat processing tu hilang bila tgk ada extra amount in my account...hahaha...
What did i do with the money???byk masuk..byk gak yg keluar...bayar tu...bayar premium la..road tax la...hahaha..brp je yg balance tu pejam mata masuk saving...takmo spend for the unnecessary buy..need to save some money sbb aku niat nk p haji in this short years...tu yg hubby pun aku pujuk nyimpan...
May & june was also the pick time for me to complete the prep for my lil sis wedding..her hantaran...cookies for her doorgift..sighhhh..sooooo the very penat..but i enjoy every minute out of this..
Alhamdullillah everything went well..Etty & Mie selamat diijabkabulkan on 2nd june..she looked so pretty on her big day...and belah groom buat reception on 9th june..akhirnya both of my lil sis dah jadi isteri org..
So lepas ni tunggu kenduri cukur jambul anak Emmy plak la..insya allah..dah nk due tu..hopefully everything will goes well..insya allah..Ya Allah..Kau permudahkanlah bagi adindaku itu menempuhi saat2 melahirkan..ameen..