Friday, March 2, 2012

Stressfool season...

Memang skang tengah performance evaluation semua telah men"create" extra stress & tension kpd semua staff..masa ni la kuar citer boss tak adil..bos pilih bulu..dan yang sewaktu dengannya..

Stress ni telah menyebabkan ramai yg jadi FOOL... I have a friend who really got carried away with this performance evaluation thingy..sampai takde mood nak kerja..siap bertikam lidah ngan big boss..

Aku ni jenis redho..malas nak bising2.. I know where I stand.. Last year was not one of my excellence years pun..i have to admit that byk gak mistakes yg aku buat last year..sampai ada yg aku learn the hard long as boss tak bagi poor rating kat aku..I'm happy enough.. Hehehe

Tapi yg membuatkan aku hangin satu badan is that ada suara2 sumbang yg berbunyi pasal performance result yg boss bg kat aku..kononnya sebab aku ni feberet boss..markah aku tinggi..WTFH!!!!

I've gone thru hell last year and aku sampai nk menangis depan boss fighting & justifying for my department.. Kalu betul aku ni feberet..tak payah la aku bersusah payah mencari evidence to justify..

So far memang aku rasa aku & my team deserve that score..sebab KPI company yg managed by my department meet all the ada yg exceed Those KPIs yg I've failed miserably were KPIs yg I don't have direct control & shared KPIs..

Sifat dengki manusia ni tak boleh nak kikis kan?? Tadi aku tgk satu sinetron indon kat TV3..Tu pun citer pasal hasad dengki manusia..pakcik aka hero tu seorang jujur dan taat kpd agama whereby his boss buat macam2 kat dia sbb dengki..tapi akhirnya Allah tolong dia..

So... I believe if kita ikhlas..tak dengki orang..insya allah..Allah akan tolong kita.. Cam kes aku ni..though orang bang & buat personal attack aka penaya aku thru my ICSI and personal competency assessment.. overall score aku still not that bad... As long as I'm still in the range of average or meet target..aku dah cukup happy & bersyukur..

Terbukti bila kita tak dengki & penaya orang.. Allah akan lindungi & tolong kita...Alhamdullillah..aku sungguh bersyukur atas kurniaMu ya Allah..

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