It all started end of last April...
Got a email from my HR SVP on the program...tetiba gatal tangan nak apply..tanya hubby...dia fully support me..bukan apa..teringin nak rasa kerja kat tempat lain tapi tak mo resign TM coz takmo loose privilege of the housing loan at 4% interest rate..hehehehe...masa tu nak discuss ngan my boss, dia cuti i guess, what the heck...apply jer la...masa tu tak confident pon nak dapat...
Nak jadi citer..SVP dapat idea nak develop org HR thru this program...since aku jer org HR yg gatal tangan...dah jadi rezeki aku la all went so fast...dateline submission was on 05/05/08..on the 7/5/08 i was called for the 1st briefing...
The objective of this program is actually to develop the future leaders in the GLC companies... adusss...besarnya tanggungjawab...masa dengar tu tetiba rasa cuak mula menyelinap dlm hati ni...besar expectation nak carry and deliver ni...there's 14 of called THE "TALENTS"... malu rasanya nak ngaku talent tu...rasanya aku takde la seganaz tu...Initially ada 3 ladies...1 back out sbb nak ikut hubby ke oversea..tinggallah 2 org ladies jer dlm team among the thorns.. inferior???you tell me la...i think i'm the youngest..yg lain semua seniors..kekadang rasa menyesal apply tu ada gak mengetuk hati ni tapi aku kuatkan hati...i need to grab the chance and prove to everybody that i can do this...the most importantly i need to prove to my self... I CAN DO THIS...
When my boss dapat tau aku dapat ni...dia terkejut habis..dia pon cam payah nak lepaskan aku...agaknya inilah terjadi bila kita dah terlalu comfortable dgn our work and people we work with..tengok reaction dia ni buat aku berbelah bagi...
I have to undergo 3 interviews to finally get posted...Initially my option that has been identified by Khazanah were Malaysia Airport and Celcom..both to lead a technical team function...masa aku dapat email dr coordinator on the 2 option tu...literally speaking...i drop my jaw..giler...aku ni grad marketing...buat kerja JR seumur hidup aku..tetiba nak suh masuk bidang technical...oh my god!!!!!aku giler tak confident...eventhough aku org HR...i know my way during interviews...still aku tak leh deliver...i'm trying to convince people to accept me to do something yg aku sendiri tak convinced? Ironic hah???
On 19/6/08 aku dapat tau aku tak dapat OK lah...takde rezeki..aku selalu buat solat hajat agar dipermudahkan urusan cross assignment ni utk aku...basically bila aku anggap bukan rezeki aku lah...and Allah knows what's the best for me and everybody around me...masa dapat tau ni bos aku happy la...aku pon seronot sebab tak jadi pergi and manage to make my boss happy (bukan nak bodek, tapi aku dah terlalu sayang kat dia...dia sedih...aku jadi sedih gak...)
Tapi sesungguhnya Allah maha mengetahui yang terbaik untukku..on 23/6/08, i was called by Khazanah kata aku kena posted to Khazanah..tapi akan ada interview gak..just for the formality...on the same tu gak aku kena summon ngadap CE..punya la kecut...sebelum ni kalu jumpa pon masa attend forum or talks nak face to face...nak jadi lagi haru sbb lst minit...aku tak pakai pon official scarf TM the way, monday spttnya ladies kena pakai scarf TM and gents kena pakai tie TM...Dato' is a nice was just a chat between him and us the talents yg nak kuar TM & those coming the way..TM is sending out 2 of us and will be receiving 2 from MAB & Sime Darby..
On 27/6/08 (a really last minute arrangement) i've to meet up with Dr Ikmal, Director of Yayasan Khazanah for an informal chat...he's also a nice future boss...i guess Allah did answer my Prayer...i was gifted with a nice boss and the best thing is that my new office will be in KLCC...which is 10 min from home...heheheheheheh..
30/06/08 was our handing over was held at Ritz Carlton..nice event..masa tu semua talents dapat souvenir dari receiving company..guess what'd i've received???a stack of books...Khazanah has published so many books of aku dapat la the whole set...WOW!!!! back to reading time...dah lama aku tak membaca buku2 ilmiah ni...sejak habis belajar ni buku yg aku selalu bukak pon alquran dan buku pasal Fardhu Ain dan ajaran tak percaya aku kena baca buku2 tu...masa baca the Orange book pon it takes me 2-3 days to complete...heheheheheh...lainla kalu novel tu...24 hours boleh stay up to finish it up...
Since aku lambat settle pasal placement aku, they've decided utk aku delay a bit aku punya report duty...bila depa tanya..aku jawab jer la mid July coz since ari tu kata tak jadi..aku takde la prepare hand i need ample time utk hand over la...mid july should be just nice..
Semalam got a call from my mum...dia nak buat operation cataract mata dia on 23rd July...adusss lagi sekali...kalu aku report on 16th...takkan la aku nak mintak cuti lagi on 23rd tadi aku dah appeal kat Khazanah & TM utk postponed pemergian aku to 1st August...sib baik gak khazanah pon belum habis finalizing my terms utk ke it's a win-win situation la ni...heheheh...
Pagi tadi aku dah selamat hand over kat my colleague and assistant aku...sedey plak yg ada masa nak update blog aku ni...macam pelik plak bila free ni...dulu kojo cam tak cukup tanah...weekend pon kono kojo...2-3 ari ni aku rasa gile bosan...aku tak leh imagine org yg takde kerja tu camne...aku dah nak sampai tahap kutu gugur dari kepala ni...tapi takpe week aku akan on leave pon...takde la rasa sangat...
Apapapon...doakan aku berjaya mengharungi this 2 years assignment..dan yg paling penting aku dapat menimba ilmu yg baru...merasa berkerja dlm environment yg baru dan di bawah boss yg baru...AMINNNNNNNN....
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1 year ago
Best of luck for the new post... :)
gud luck Ton...mudah2an semuanya baik2 utk hang.. aminnnnn
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