Sunday, January 22, 2012

Friday d 20th...

Adoiiiii....habis cramp kaki..

1 jam 45 minit from Jalan Pantai Baharu to Ampang...perghhhh...

Nasib baik bawak keter auto..kalu manual tak tau la..agaknya ada yg berenti tepi bg hazard lain bg hazard lite bila keter down..tapi aku sbb kaki cramp..hahaha...

Sebenarnya aku nk share trauma first time selama aku drive ni kena redah air..pucat lesi aku...

Masa kuar opis, hujan lom aku redah je la..sampai je bangsar hujan start lebat tahap tak pun start teruk.. Radio dah annouce amaran banjir kat Jln Tun Razak..adoi laaaa.. Aku mmg jarang ikut sana cuma aku tau that i shud avoid Jln Dang Wangi sbb jalan tu connect to Jln Tun Razak.

Lepas je Masjid Negara, aku tak sempat tukar low gear, aku terpaksa redah air yg dah start bertakung atas jln..dekat sekaki gak la..keter yg depan tu plak cam hesitate nak teruskan perjalanan.aku dah cuak..jangan la dia berenti..aku dah tak leh buat apa kalu dia stop..harus air masuk enjin make thing worst..lalu lak 4WD kat tepi aku..habis air naik..terus 0 dive dlm sungai pun ada..nampak air yg berselut je kat cermin depan. Masa tu aku ingat tuhan je la..dlm kepala kalu keter depan aku ni stop, harusla aku terlanggar bontot la..tak nampak apa.. Sib baik la tak jadi apapa..

Sampai belakang sogo, aku terus call mr hubby..tanya tanda2 enjin masuk air..nak lagi cuak, ada keter yg berenti tepi jalan kena wat jumper..please Ya Allah..I don't want to go thru that. When dia cakap it shud b ok..lega tul..

Once masuk AKLEH tu lega betul. It takes me 1hr 45 min...kaki semua naik cramp.. But on another hand,lega selamat sampai umah. Pagi tadi pie morning walk pun masih terasa kesakitan kaki ni..

I really hope that i don't have to go thru that again..ameen..

Monday, January 9, 2012

Back on track...

After almost 2 years berenti exercise berjalan petang keliling Taman Ampang Jaya, arini me & mr hubby start balik... Ala-ala azam tahun baru la ni...hehehe...

Dulu we were so determine...pastu lepas maid lari...hidup jadi kacau bilau...terus stop..dah ada maid balik pun tak start2 balik...biasala bila dah stop, malas gile nak start balik...

Lately ni badan dah naik mr hubby decided kena start balik...dia dah start dari weekend aritu..aku je yg baru start arini..penat gile sehhh...

Lagipun during the last check up sabtu aritu result dah cantik. BP dah under control..fasting sugar pun dah turun skit...yg paling best...kolestrol dah normal balik...yippieeee...sayang la..takut result teruk as we aged,we need to have a healthy lifestyle kan??

Kalu nak pikirkan kerja..tak habis kan?? So kenala find time kan?though skang ni keje teruk gile..aku target at least 3 kali seminggu..insya allah...

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

First day at school...

This has been Zafran's 3rd year in this school.. Dia pun relax jer..not much different except he is now in the most happening class in the school.. "The Hibiscus"..

Biasala cikgu akan bagi their most attention to the 6 years old punya kan the kids final prep before entering the real schooling environment...

His class teacher is his favorite teacher..he was soooo attached to this particular teacher which her name is just like my name because Teacher Zaitun was the one who drove him back to school everyday when he was 4 years old.. Teacher Zaitun ni muka garang but she is sooo motherly but still strict ngn budak2 ni.. Tak tau la camne Zafran tahun ni ngn dia...dah la Zafran ni known among teachers as a very cengeng boy.. Tegur skit je dah bergenang air mata..tu belum marah...semua teacher tanya dia ni manja ke kat umah... Manja tu mmg la bkn la x pernah kena marah..infact aku rasa aku & babah dia selalu gak marah dia... Tp kalu aku or babah dia marah tu takde la menangis..kekadang tu siap gelak2 lagi...

Next year will be a tough one coz Zafran will be entering Standard 1 and we are planning for Zahra to be enrolled at the pre school..aku boleh imagine betapa havocnya pagi tu... Apapapun i hope that Allah panjangkan umur kami berdua and diberikan kesihatan dan kekuatan utk melalui saat itu...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Ombak Rindu

Baru lepas layan Ombak Rindu...terpaksa layan kat umah sbb masa kroni2 kakao ku p melayan citer ni aritu aku tak leh ikut...

Overall review...

As like other novel adaptation yg pernah baca novel ni akan ckp movie ni tak best..tapi since aku dah lama baca novel ni & almost lupa the details...aku rasa ok gak la movie ni... Cuma disebabkan kroni2 dah bg input depa so aku dah ada "pre"stigma kpd movie ni sebelum aku tgk...

Love the kampung scene..nicely captured...

My personal opinion la kan... Maya is not the best calon for character Izzah...coz she has that modern look..x nmpk kekampungan..perhaps Nora Danish as Dhia is a better kampung girl than Maya..just my 2 cents...

Though org cakap Aaron x best...tapi i still like him as Aaris.. Sayu bila nampak air mata dia menitik one drop bila dia ckp dia rindu izzah...

Cuma yg aku x berapa gemor...banyak scene katil yg aku rasa tak perlu..perhaps subliminal scenes are enough..need not show part Aaris hempap Izzah tu.. Tak bagus bukan apa sbb movie tu budak2 sekolah pun tengok..

Bab Dato' Sufiah halau Izzah & tipu Aaris tu cam ala2 stereotype citer melayu kan...Tentang Dhia pun camni gak... Agaknya kalu tak suke je calon menantu, otak mak2 akan mula berputar utk pikir camne nak pisahkan mereka..and the only solution cakap pompuan tu jahat and curang ngan anak kita...akan ku pertimbangkan idea ini bila nanti anak2 aku bawak balik calon menantu yg tak best di mataku..hahaha....

Sebelum ni kecoh ada mamat2 macho pun nangis tgk citer ni sampai one of our cousin nak pie tengok sbb nak test power...hahaha... So abis je movie, aku tanya Mr Hubby..."you nangis ke?" Dia cakap tak pun..dia siap cakap tengok final episod Tentang Dhia lagi sebak dari citer nie.. Dia cakap sedih tu sedih la tapi takde la sampai mampu mengalirkan air dia takut kena kutuk..hahaha...

Aku banyak compare ngan Tentang Dhia sbb citer tu pun baru abis and tu antara tv series yg i look forward to watch everyday.. Something different about that series..siap ada citer mistik lagi...hehehe..takde la boring...asyik2 cinta, putus & nangis2...

Whatever it is...congrats to the director of both Ombak Rindu & Tentang Dhia..nicely done.. Jarang kita boleh tgk citer melayu yg camni...tho it is a love story tapi tak lemau... Hope to see more coming from Malaysian Director...

Bye - bye 2011

Selamat datang 2012..

Not as eager as my teenage days celebrating the new year means tambah lagi setahun umur kita..tambah dekat kita dengan ajal kita.. i ready?? Takut yg amat sangat..amalan ku hanyalah ibarat setitis air dlm lautan luas.. Every year buat resolution to be a better ummah..but resolution tinggal resolution..hangat-hangat taik ayam...


So much has happened...

Me adjusting to the new working environment (so damn bz this year)... My youngest sister got married...bought an android phone.. My 2nd sister got engaged.. My beloved grandma passed away.. I've reconnected with my best buddies from college days via kakao.. I went to Batam Island.. And a lot more has happened.. All the events are the colors on my canvas of life... It's my journey...

2011 also tested our marriage... 16th october 2011..
After nine sweet years...Allah nak uji kasih sayang kami & ingatan kami kepadaNya.. Infact kejadian itu got us closer... Sometimes after soo many years being tend to take things for granted... You think you know your other half too well..but believe me... There's always something new that you'll discover about your other half... After 10 years knowing each other, in 2011 is the 1st time my hubby gave me a bouquet of flower.. I thought I'm the only one yg tak pernah dpt bunga dr hubby...rupanya my buddies pun ada yg senasib... Nak buat camne.. Kawin ngan bukan mamat romantik...

Any how..2011 has come & go.. A lot has happened... Infact in 2011 i was so busy sampai nk update blog pun tak kat opis blog kena block...lagi la...

I would like to thank everybody who has colored my life.. Especially my best kakao buddies.. Though we barely meet each other, we are sooo close.. Your support and encouragement have made me stronger especially during my down time.. Having you guys to chat with really ease my burden...
Ina, achik, ayu,nora,ezzah,zirap,norm,pijah,adik,yusmi&chomb...
**Special thank to ayu yg introduce the kakao yg membuatkan aku boleh jumpa balik my old freinds..