After going thru all the hassles.. aku rasa i can share with all of you the process flow on what are the processes that we need to go thru to bring maid in from indonesia... ye la..tak de tercangak2 kat Imigresen tu..nak pahamkan apa yg nak dibuat...tu belum campur unclear instructions yg menyebabkan kita kena pergi pejabat depa 2-3 kali to just settlekan 1 benda yg mudah (bagi aku la...)
Nota kaki 1:
Harus diingatkan..bahwa jika currently korang ada maid and dia akan balik dan yg nak masuk ni utk menggantikan current maid ni..haruslah submission document for the new maid tu dibuat dalam masa 30 hari sebelum tarikh current maid tu nak balik... sila lah pastikan korang dah beli tiket current maid tu siap2 coz the need a copy of the ticket..satu lagi sila jgn lupo to isi borang Check Out Memo (COM) utk current maid to balik..after submit COM tu, Immigration akan isu surat clearance utk dia tunjuk masa kat immigration kat airport tu...
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
at this particular moment, hiring a maid is the last thing i nak pikir..tapi dunno kalau in future i betul2 need it.. and kalau ye mase tu, i kene refer u k.eton!:)
if you can live without one..better still..good for my case i don't have other option..mmg ada maid ni ada pros & cons la..depa pun nak kena jaga hati & perasaan dia gak..lagipun dia yg ari2 dok jaga anak2 & rumah kita kan??
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