macam baru lagi aku lahirkan Zafran...sedar2 dia dah nak masuk sekolah... this year he'll be 4.. sat jer rasanya..tetiba anak dah tak caya plak anak aku dah nak sekolah...
semalam Orientation Day for him at CEC Anugerah Bestari.. tak jauh pun..belakang umah aku jer.. hehehehe..very convenient kan??
masa mula2 sampai dia hesitated.. dia cakap sekolah dia bukan yg ni...yg lain.. banyak tul auta anak aku ni..ari tuh sibuk nak p sekolah.. bila suh dia p duduk kat depan ngan kawan2, dia sibuk ajak balik..dia kata ni bukan la masa briefing semua tables & chairs dia kata ni bukan sekolah la sbb takde tables & chairs.. susah tul bila anak yg logic thinking tinggi ni.. bila babah pujuk kata kalu dia behave & duduk ngan kawan2 nanti babah "upah" barulah dia duduk.. wahh!!! anak aku kecik2 lagi dah diajar ttg bribery??hehehehe..
the school seems OK.. lagipun this is his 1st time going to school... kami nak bagi exposure the social skill jer kat dia...we don't expect much out of him.. coz if just nak belajar ABC, insya Allah kami boleh ajar dia kat umah...even without going to school pun dia dah mula kenal huruf.. kalu the reason nak prepare him about going to school, it's too early gak.. kalu ikutkan at the age of 6 is sufficient tapi just to get him socialized and get him occupied... duk umah pun asyik dok tengok TV jer.. sampai semua character Ben10 tu dia hafal..hish!!!!
Habis briefing, Teacher Zaiton the coordinator allows us to visit the school area especially his classroom.. my first impression, keciknya...logikla..the school is using the intermediate link (corner lot) as their classroom dia tu the 2nd room..tapi ada attached bathroom...OK la...sebab Zafran ni kalu dia ghalit, dia hanya akan cakap dia nak wee2 bila dah sampai hujung..hehehe takut la tak sempat.. teacher dia dah pesan suh bekalkan extra pants kalu akut dia "cicir"..
he'll be having 17 classmate.. ada 3 meja & each table will be occupied by 6 students..small kids...takde la stuffy sangat..his teacher is Teacher Tanya... very young teacher tapi standard pre school teachers la kan...they are very charming... kalu tak charming sat lagi tak leh nak entice the kids to go to school kan??
Tomorrow will be his 1st day at school..teacher dah habaq awal2 yg aku tak leh tunggu..hehehe.. cam tau jer aku susah nak lepaskan Zafran ni alone..dia cam kecik lagi la.. Zafran ni cam anti social skit..bila org ramai dia cam kura2 nak masuk shell sendiri...kalu p playground yg ramai org mesti dia tak mo main..tu yg aku risau tu.. but that's the reason yg buat kami decide to send him to school pun.. hopefully by2nd week dia OK la...seronot la tu.. sat lagi excited nak pi sekolah plak..
teringat aku masa 1st time p pre school dulu..mami tunggu for the 1st day jerk..pastu semua on my own..bila dah jumpa kawan tu..tak kisah dah... hopefully Zafran pun camtu la..
Zafran will be at the school for the pre school session 12 the school ends and we have arraged for Teacher Zaiton to send him's great for the school to arrange the transport..especially when it's their own teacher yg driving the kids back..takde la kita risau dia naik bas sekolah..tambah plak kita tak kenal drebar bas tuh..skang ni macam2 boleh jadi.. susah nak percaya org..
esok kena wait & see how he'll survive the 1st day at school.. dia excited nak p sekolah sbb nak pakai beg Ben10 dia...bukan sebab nak p sekolah...hish!!!pening mak camni..tiap kali aku cakap "nanti kita pi sekolah.." dia akan jawab "kita p sekolah bawak beg ben10.." habis camno??sabar jer la...
raptor doublemax slot
1 year ago
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